BBP 087: How to Find the Right Contact for Sponsor Pitches with Kelan Kline
Okay, so you want to get started with your first sponsorship but how do find the people in charge of sponsorships? In this episode, get some quick and easy tips for how to connect with the right people the first time.
Guest Info
Kelan Kline Co-Founder of The Savvy Couple. Kelan is a former Jail Deputy turned personal finance nerd and online entrepreneur. Kelan and his wife Brittany were buried in student loan debt and decided to start their personal finance blog The Savvy Couple to earn some extra income. Within a year Kelan quit his job to become a full-time blogger. Just two years later they grew their blog to multiple six figures allowing Brittany to quit her job as a teacher and join the business full-time. They have a huge passion for helping others WIN with money and create passive streams of income to fast track their financial freedom.
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[00:00:09].670] – Liz
Sponsorships can be a great way to create income for your blog, but if you don’t have a prior relationship with the company, it can be hard to make a connection. Today we’re going to hear a couple of quick and easy tips to save you time and get you to the right person faster the first time.
Hey, I’m Liz Stapleton host of the Blogger Breakthrough Summit at a free annual virtual summit that takes place at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, it’s only available a limited amount of time. So here on the Blogger Breakthrough Summit podcast, you get to experience the summit and some tips and tricks that our speakers shared. So today you’re going to be learning from Kelan Klein, a six figure blogger, and he is fantastic at sponsorships. So let’s get to it.
[00:00:49].280] – Liz
What are sort of the titles of the people that you found kind of are the right people to be reaching out to when you’re looking for?
[00:00:57].280] – Kelan
Yeah, definitely affiliate managers, because you’re kind of in the right Department there as far as sponsorships or marketing, marketing channels, press pages, So people that are looking for press a lot of the companies will have at the very bottom, you can, affiliate or press or marketing or media. Any of those kind of channels will get you started in the right spot. And sometimes you’ve got to start with someone that’s in totally the wrong Department and just say in the PS, like if this is the wrong person to be put in in the right direction, to the right person to contact, and that’s huge.
[00:01:30].280] – Liz
It does. It works really well, which surprise you because people are like, this is not me. But instead of just ignoring it and not replying, they’ll be like, oh well, they know it might not be me, and I can pass this along. It always surprised me when that works because it’s such a simple thing.
[00:01:46].610] – Liz
Okay. Hopefully this episode has helped give you a quick tip for connecting with the right person for your sponsorship. Be sure to join me next time to learn how to reframe your writing for your reader to catch their attention and hold their interest. I’ll catch you then.