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BBP 040 How to Get Traction on Pinterest in 2021 with Carly Campbell


Not all Pins are created equal! How you design your Pin can affect who sees it and how they use it! In this episode learn about using clickable vs. saveable pins and how they impact your Pinterest results!

Guest Info

Carly is a full-time stay-at-home mom, full-time blogger who loves helping other moms learn how to use Pinterest to make their blogs profitable! Learn more at

Navigate the Episode

[01:08] What do Clickable and Saveable Mean? 

[02:41] Saveable is Good for Pinterest, Clickable is Good for You.

[03:48] Encourage That Click

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[00:00:08].090] – Liz Stapleton

There’s a lot of advice out there about what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes to Pinterest, and it’s always changing. How viewers interact with your Pins majorly impacts your reach, which is why it’s important to know the difference between clickable pins and savable pins.


Hi, I’m Liz Stapleton from and host of the Blogger Breakthrough Summit. Welcome to the Blogger Breakthrough Podcast. In today’s episode, you’re going to be learning from blogger and Pinterest guru Carly Campbell. This snippet is from her session at the 2021 Blogger Breakthrough Summit. If you want to learn more from Carly, find out how to catch her entire session by heading to Let’s get to the episode.

[00:00:46].010] – Liz Stapleton

We’re actually today talking about clickable versus savable content. We’ll actually get on to the topic we said we were going to do.

[00:00:52].030] – Carly Campbell

I will say from the end-user perspective, that’s the user who’s deciding whether or not your content is clickable or savable on the platform. And before we talk about clickable versus savable, we kind of have to understand what clickable and savable mean inside of Pinterest.

[00:01:07].580] – Liz Stapleton


[00:01:08].450] – Carly Campbell

So clickable is the kind of Pin where somebody is going to click through the Pin and go to your site. Savable is a kind of…And I’m talking about the idea of, not the actual function of the Pin, which we’ll also talk about.

[00:01:23].420] – Liz Stapleton


[00:01:24].320] – Carly Campbell

But like is the idea of the Pin an idea that somebody is going to say, “I’m going to save this picture, this image for the information on the Pin so I can refer to the information on the Pin later.”

[00:01:41].000] – Liz Stapleton


[00:01:41].480] – Carly Campbell

Or are they saving it, thinking to themselves, “I’m going to refer to the information behind this Pin later.”

[00:01:48].290] – Liz Stapleton


[00:01:49].160] – Carly Campbell

So a really good example is an infographic versus a informational article. You’ll save an infographic for the information on the Pin.

[00:02:00].050] – Liz Stapleton

They’re probably not clicking to the content though.

[00:02:01].940] – Carly Campbell

You’re probably not. You’re right, all the information is right there on the Pin.

[00:02:05].540] – Liz Stapleton

The other Pin I always think of are quotes.

[00:02:09].650] – Carly Campbell


[00:02:10].190] – Liz Stapleton

I hear, “I do a tonne of quotes. I get all sorts of saves and no clicks.” And you’re like, well, why would they click through.

[00:02:14].690] – Carly Campbell

Yes, yes. No, totally. And I read the other day that, and I might get this wrong, but I think it was 30 million people per day save quotes on Pinterest. Pinterest was the one pushing that stat out as an amazing stat and I like. “It’s great for you, Pinterest. not so good for me.”

[00:02:37].110] – Liz Stapleton


[00:02:41].220] – Carly Campbell

Savable content is good for Pinterest. Clickable content is good for you.

[00:02:45].720] – Liz Stapleton


[00:02:46].110] – Carly Campbell

And you have to remember that there is a difference.

[00:02:48].810] – Liz Stapleton


[00:02:49].920] – Carly Campbell

So savable content will not hurt your account, like putting out quotes, putting out infographics, putting out instructional videos where people watch the video to see the process.

[00:03:08].010] – Liz Stapleton


[00:03:09].120] – Carly Campbell

That will not hurt your account because they will get distributed through the platform. People will save them. That’s fine. They’re not going to help you as a blogger get [inaudible [00:03:19].  Clickable content, on the other hand, is content that requires the person to click through to the other side to really get what they’re after.

[00:03:34].070] – Carly Campbell

This would be like an informational article where you have a really good title that inspires a click. You can have an informational title with a terrible article, a terrible title that doesn’t inspire a click.

[00:03:45].020] – Liz Stapleton


[00:03:48].150] – Carly Campbell

Instructional content where you leave out the few steps. So like it’s fine to do an instructional video. Show the first few frames of you doing something, show the last frame of the completed product project, don’t show them they’re really important for the end. And then on your last frame, you can put “Click for instructions” or “Click for complete instructions”. You want to encourage that click.

[00:04:17].130] – Carly Campbell

However, with the end-user in mind, I’ve been finding lately that sometimes…You know, as bloggers, as Pinterest experts, we always say, “Don’t bother Pinning without text on it.” Because the text is encouraging to the clicker.

[00:04:34].860] – Liz Stapleton

It’s a call to action.

[00:04:36].230] – Carly Campbell

Yeah. However, we’ve been finding that sometimes the title can be all that is required. That little title underneath the Pin can be all is required to encourage a click when the image checks the right boxes. So for example, a finished craft project with no text over it…

[00:05:05].530] – Liz Stapleton


[00:05:06].630] – Carly Campbell

…But in your title underneath it says, “complete tutorial for this thing pictured above”.

[00:05:13].290] – Liz Stapleton


[00:05:13].680] – Carly Campbell

So because the title appears underneath the Pin, if you are taking advantage of that title, those plain images can be both savable and clickable.

[00:05:26].070] – Liz Stapleton


[00:05:27].120] – Carly Campbell

And that is the winning combination on Pinterest.

[00:05:30].750] – Liz Stapleton

Yeah I see that with, one of my clients is a food blogger and so comparing it to the title on the Pen versus just the image of the food, because she has gorgeous photography, you know, like it’s different results in terms of saving versus cooking, but it does bring in traffic, too. So it’s kind of it’s interesting to look at that. I’ve been experimenting with that as well.

[00:05:56].970] – Carly Campbell

Good. That’s exciting to hear because the thing about clicks and save and we actually have somebody bring this up in my Mastermind Group the other day. She had this beautiful Pen with thousands of clicks and she said, “I feel frustrated that Pinterest isn’t giving this in more feed time, everybody is clicking it.” But the fact of the matter is, Pinterest has told us in their algorithm: saves are greater and clicks. Which means a Pin with more saves will get more distribution than a Pin with more clicks.

[00:06:30].180] – Liz Stapleton


[00:06:30].870] – Carly Campbell

So if you can utilize those beautiful no-text images to get saves, they’ll get the clicks by default because that’s what’s out there.

[00:06:40].530] – Liz Stapleton


[00:06:40].760] – Carly Campbell

That’s what’s getting feed time. Yeah. So sure the one with the text on it might outperform if it was getting the same feed time, but it might not get the same free time because saves are greater than clicks.

[00:06:52].200] – Liz Stapleton

Okay, hopefully, this episode has helped give you some new ideas to optimize your Pinterest game. Be sure to join me next time when we explore how to be ethical and honest in affiliate marketing with Leanne Scott from Passive Income Superstars. I’ll catch ya next time.

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